

Student Name: Caolan Mccreesh

Reviewer Name: Gareth Maguire

Name one strength of the images previewed

Image 1 (History): The image background is easy to make out.
Image 2 (Sport): The dark background with the glow edge effect is very good fits in well with the background.
Image3 (Seasons): The background has a good dark effect.

Name one Weakness of the images previewed

Image 1: The text in the image doesn't fit in well with the background.

Image 2: The text in the image doesn't suit the background of the image.

Image 3: The colour of the text doesn't fit in.

Comment on the Quality of graphics

Image 1: The Image has a small resolution that makes the image small.
Image 2: The quality of the image is ok but blurry.
Image 3: The quality of the image is not great.
Are the images suitable for purpose? (e.g used for the tourism booklet)

Image 1: I think it is perfectly suitable for a tourism booklet.
Image 2: The image is perfectly suitable for the chosen topic.

Image 3: Image is well suited for the chosen topic.

What do you think of the use of Typography or Imagery used?

Image 1: Has to add more effects to make it more appealing and change the font colour of the text used in the image.
Image 2: Change the text font colour and maybe brighten the background a bit.

Image 3: Change the text colour and the background effect for try brightening it more.

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