

Copyright law -

Copyright law refers to laws that regulate the use of the work of a creator, such as an artist or author. This includes copying, distributing, altering and displaying creative, literary and other types of work. Unless otherwise stated in a contract, the author or creator of a work retains the copyright.For copyright to be apply and to a work, it must be an original idea that is put to use. It is the physical use of that idea, such as an illustration or a written novel, that is covered under copyright law.

Many different types of content can be protected by copyright. Examples can include such as books, poems, plays, songs, films, and artwork. In modern times, copyright protection has been extended to websites and other online content. 

Therefore, any original content published on the Web is protected by copyright law. This is important in the digital age we live in, since large amounts of content can be easily copied and pasted.

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